Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why two?

Here's a question for you. If your razor last forever why do you need two of them?? I guess you could give one to a friend. This just seemed kind of ridiculous though. I was watching this commercial on TV and said "I bet they give you a free one when you buy one." Lo and behold they do give you a free one.
Mom has now decided that she would have gotten better care after her fall if she could have driven herself to the hospital. Interesting to note that after the fall she had to crawl back into the house to call for help. She refuses to keep the cell phone on her person and rarely uses it even though her long distance bill on her land line was over $90.00 last month. Long distance on the cell is free. A good idea for a cell phone would be one that is modeled on a regular land line phone. This would be more acceptable to seniors and easier for them to use. Thanks for reading.

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