Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well, mom did something really strange yesterday. On my way home I got a call from my sister "Mom is frantic because someone has taken her meds." I got home and went immediately to moms' house. She said that her meds were missing and that she dreamed someone had been in her house and taken them. I began to look for them while whistling absint mindedly. I thought the whistling would help her calm down. Only later did I realize I was using the Scarecrow song from the Wizard of Oz. You know "...if I only had a brain." I checked the canister set first because that's where I found the cell phone charger last week. It's kept in with the corn meal. I finally found them in her dresser with her purse. She was mystified. We talked for a while and when I told her I was going to hold the meds to give to my sister for the doctor visit on tuesday she suggested that I should put them in her dresser with her purse so she wouldn't forget to take them with her. Ten minutes after I got home she called my sister frantically saying she couldn't find her meds. I had beat her to the punch by calling my sister and telling her the story beforehand.
She insist now that we embalm her two cats and bury them with her when she dies. Riiiiiigghhhttt.
Well, all for now, I've got to go to the shop and rebuild Cash Acceptors today. Our Cash at Pump opton is real popular but it requires constant attention. People will put anything in those machines. I've found debit cards and coins, chewing gum and paper clips, etc.. thanks for reading.

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