Sunday, July 08, 2007

Paris Hilton

Actually, Paris Hilton has nothing to do with this blog but it might get me noticed by the search engines.
This photo is a lot like my mother and my siblings and me. She called us the three stooges last night when we tried to discuss her alzheimers with her. Can you say "Extreme Denial?" She actually called the sheriffs' dept. The officer who came out was very understanding. Says he sees this all the time. She is just aware enough to continue to care for herself but on the edge of being a danger to herself. I guess we just have to wait until she gets so hopelessly lost that she has to admit there is a problem. She keeps trying to justify our behaviour by accusing us of trying to steal her property. If I was trying to steal her property I would be sucking up to her instead of antagonizing her. If I had my choice I would just hit the road instead of facing this. Thanks for reading.

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