Friday, July 13, 2007

Paris Hilton

Have you ever had days like this? I swear I've had whole years like this. Like the year my dog died. I had this mutt that was about 6 months old. I was working under my house and unbeknowest to me the dog followed me under there. I crawled out and shut the crawlspace door and locked it. The mutt got cold and clawed his way into the flexible duct pipe. He then followed it back to source of the heat. That heat source was 10 KW's of electric heat strip. When he stuck his nose into the electric strips he was immediately fried. His nose exploded and sprayed blood 6 or 7 feet down the duct. the he proceeded to cook. Too bad we're not Vietnamese. 3 days later when I came home from work I could tell there was something bad wrong in the ranch. Can you say disgusting? I thought you could. I had to literally shovel his bloated stinking carcass out of our ductwork. Compared to raising teens it was an easy task.
Well mom hasn't done anything weird lately except that she thinks my sister is out to steal her property. Absolutely no basis in fact but no amount of argument would convince her otherwise. Three weeks ago she was convinced I was calling her a liar. That is her big thing right now. "Are you calling me a liar?" Imagine Marty Macflie being called a coward. Same emotion and same rationality or lack thereof. Thanks for reading.

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