Thursday, July 19, 2007

Find Yourself

Used to be, when I was younger, that everybody talked about traveling or camping or doing something totally nonproductive for months at a time in order to "find themselves". Well, I discovered rather late in life that you are always there. You may deny your existence or put on a front to conceal yourself but you are always there. Actually some people would do the world a favor by concealing their true "Self". The spouse recently looked at my sleeveless tshirt and cutoff bluejeans and said " You're just a redneck!". I agreed but added "I'm an educated redneck.". She then opined that she would prefer a cultured redneck.
Well, mom finally did it. She took a tumble out the back door. I knew it was just a matter of time. After a couple of days in the hospital she came home and picked a fight with me on the way. That was yesterday. Today when I apologized for speaking ugly to her she said she didn't hear me or didn't remember our argument. One of the few benefits of Alzheimers. Whatever you do or say is forgotten in just a short while. Tonite she was very sweet and cooperative. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

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