Sunday, July 01, 2007


Actually all you have to do is have in-laws.
We've been getting ready for the 4th. We've also been getting ready to have the house appraised for a re-finance. The list were endless but we are beginning to see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. Just visited with the neighbors. Seems that many of the same problems we have also afflict them. Small world. They also have an elderly parent that is difficult to deal with and they also have problems with rain washing the yard away and they also have problems with taxes and paying bills and ............... you get the idea. I'm reminded of the words of a very wise man, Red Green, "We're all in this together, I'm pulling for you!"
Got a call this morning. One of the stores has Air Conditioning problems. The clerk said she was going to start taking her clothes off. I took care of it promptly by calling the AC guy. Sales at that store are bad enough without driving any customers off. Thanks for reading.

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