Sunday, July 22, 2007

On the road again

Well, I got called out again today. Someone made a programming error at one of the stores and when they had a shift change it locked up the computer. I called one of the other techs and he walked me through correcting the error. He's been doing this a lot longer than I have and has seen most all that could go wrong.
Mom told me this morning that her memory wasn't bad and accused me of lying to her about doctors' orders. She seems to accept the situation for the most part but has flashes of rebelliousness. She seems to think that I enjoy being in charge of her life. Nothing could be further from the truth. What I would really enjoy would be for her to have a sudden reversal and be totally independent once again. She enjoys talking about the past but makes up a lot of it as she goes. Days seem to morph into weeks for her and time has slowed to a crawl. When she had been out of the hospital for two days she insisted that 10 days had passed. She has a routine about taking her meds and I have to constantly remind her to take the ones that have been added since her fall. They are not part of the routine. She has been caring for herself really well and covering her condition for a long time. I've found that she did this by keeping a calender and med diary. Her routine had allowed her to appear to be in better condition than she was. Everyone was convinced that she only had slight memory loss. She actually was in Moderate alzheimers instead of Mild. She is a clever and intelligent person but close observation has revealed the real extent of the desease. If you have more than a casual conversation with her she will begin to say things that reveal her real condition. I had coffee with her this morning and thought that something was amiss. When I went to clean the coffee maker I found that she hadn't used a filter but had put the coffee straight into the filter holder. I admit that there have been times when I forgot to put water in or even forgot to put coffee in but this was really bad. This is part of her routine. Two days ago she forgot to take some of her meds. These are indicating that her routines are breaking down. I'll just have to take it a day at a time. thanks for reading.

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