Friday, July 20, 2007

And they'll stay dead too!

Here's a novel way to release your frustrations. Go to the morgue and shoot everybody there. Shooting only the dead will lessen the charges against you. Take that you ugly dead person! I didn't know you but I bet that if I did I wouldn't like you. Probably a mexican, all the local criminals nowadays seem to be hispanic.

Got to start early today. One of the dealer stores accidentally shut down their pumps last night right before they closed for the night. They couldn't understand how to reset the breaker when we called them. Cultural and language problems. Therefore I've got to leave early to go by the store and reset a breaker. We've got a lot of stores operated by Middle and Near East immigrants. They have maintenance contracts with our company and often call us for the most mundane things. They are shrewd in business but often know very little technical stuff.

Here's a picture I found on the net of two guys putting a sealer on the sidewalk. Notice where the truck is parked.

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