Sunday, July 29, 2007

So What!

This so much reminds me of my mothers' cat. I watched this frail old lady stand there for several minutes the other night holding the door for her cat. He was half in and half out. He was also obviously enjoying his power trip until I smacked him on the butt and made him go all the way out. She says she wants the cats put to sleep and buried with her when she dies. This is one cat I would be pleased to comply with.

I only worked 1/2 day Friday. Sinus infection got the best of me. Woke up with vertigo. I was puzzled at first, knew I didn't drink that much the night before. Lay around the house until my ears popped and the vertigo let up. Worked four hours, felt like crap warmed over, returned to house and went back to bed. Stayed there until this morning. Think I'll live.

This is so true. thanks for reading.

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