Saturday, July 07, 2007


Had the family over for the 4th. Everyone didn't make it so there were only about 20 here. One of brother in laws drove his baby over and parked it in a showplace position in the front yard. After a swim with her dad my grand daughter had to catch a snooze. Typical American 4th of July. Lots of food, drink, sun and talk.
Brother and Sister are coming over today to help me deal with mother. She missed a doctors appt yesterday because she got lost. We are going to insist that we carry her to future appts on pain of losing auto. Doctor said he would agree to taking away her driving privileges if needed. She can still drive safely. We followed her and observed. She just forgets where she's going. Got to be extremely traumatic. She has always been VERY independent. We would like to stall taking away the car until she gets so lost that she has to call for help. This is how we dealt with dad when he went through the same thing. The ability to reason goes first so you cannot argue them into submission. You have to wait until they have an example to convince them. When you talk to her she is often so lucid and reasonable that you can't believe anything is wrong and then suddenly she will come out with something totally off the wall. Well, more later. Thanks for reading.

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