Monday, July 09, 2007

Paris Hilton

This is why you should be tech savvy.
The continuuing saga of mom. Tonite she announced that she was going to the pharmacy. I had my truck parked in her yard repairing the corner of the carport she knocked off a couple of weeks ago. She eyed my truck, and then said "If I hit something as big as that I shouldn't be driving." I returned to my painting and BLAM! she hit my truck. Fortunately all she did was scratched the bumper a little. She then leaned out of the window and said "Did I knock off much paint?" I responded in the negative, she rolled the window up and roared out the drive. Later she came to the house and instead of apologizing for slamming my truck she was all agog over how wonderful her medicine was. It's like living in a bad novel. thanks for reading.

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