Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Well, I took a day off today. My friend has a cabin on Lake Keeowee and I went up there last night and loafed. It was good to get away from it all for a change. I took these pictures this morning. I really needed a day off and the scenery and peaceful surroundings hit the spot. This is a vacation spot and everybody has returned to work or school. These cabins are about 10 miles from the nearest small town and are hemmed in on both sides by multi-million dollar retirement homes.

The only sound I heard all day was construction work on a distant house. The geese made a little noise and occasionally a boat would pass by. It was a rude shock to have to come back to reality. The new granddaughter is due any day now and I thought maybe she would show up while I was away. The spouse said she would give me a call if the event started so I could hit the road home. Fortunately she tarried.

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