Thursday, September 21, 2006

the Hawk

I was heading into Greenville on I385 today when out of the blue a hawk was heading toward my windshield. He/she swerved at the last second and slammed into the corner of my cab. Sounded something like a ball bat hitting my truck. I quickly checked the mirror but all I saw was lots of cars. I'm sure there are little rodents celebrating tonite, "ding dong the hawk is dead". I was sure he was caught in my ladder rack but when I got to a stopping place all I found was this tiny feather. Just in case you weren't aware of it, there is a law against posession of feathers of birds of prey. Wait, this isn't really a hawk feather, it's a pigeon feather. Yeah, that's it, it's a pigeon feather so you can tell the feather police to call off the raid. Not only is it a pigeon feather but I'm not going to keep it. I'll burn it like I burned that old US flag I had laying around for years. Just Joking.

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