Sunday, September 17, 2006

Another Week

Some images you have to capture at just the right moment. 15 minutes later and the fog would have lifted and the sky would have turned blue. I hope you enjoy it as much I do. I really love to catch images like this. I know most people think they're boring or mundane but I think they show just how varied and mysterious nature can be. Any place you look can be transformed by rain or fog or sunlight and shadow into a beautiful scene. Only an idiot would think that there is no G-d, the universe left to random chance would not have included beauty. Man, without a divine creator, would not appreciate the beauty shown by nature. I believe that is what is wrong with this world. Many people, like terrorist and axe murderers, have lost that divine spark. They no longer appreciate the rainbow or the early morning fog. I was raised a hunter. Many mornings my dad would wake me before sunrise to go to the fields or woods. I was given a taste of what the world looked like when daylight first touched it. This made a lasting impression on me. I no longer hunt. I have nothing against hunting but it doesn't fit my lifestyle any longer. I was taught never to kill without reason, mainly food. Nowadays I get my food at the supermarket. It's a lot easier and less messy. My hunting I do with the camera. Thanks for reading.

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