Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I was up 20 out of 24 tues and I'm just now getting over it. I'm amazed at what people believe. Some of the things I've heard from supposedly rational people. There are microphones and cameras in almost every store you go in and people are watching you every moment. No lie. My question is, WHY? What have you done to deserve to be watched? I have been in the back rooms many times and I've seen the surveillance videos, they are BORING. If someone were watching you they would probably be ready to commit suicide after about 2 weeks of it. Honestly, unless you pick your nose and eat it nothing you do will get any ones attention. Shoplifters are missed in a lot of stores just because watching for them is so tedious. Casinos are about the only place where this kind of job is really taken seriously. Here's another, the prices are adjusted for each person depending on your race or if the sales staff likes you or not. Give me a break! I have helped program the price codes, it is tedious, time consuming work. They are not going to program several price levels just to punish you for being asinine. If you believe this then you are on an ego trip deluxe. And another, the people in the fast food places spit on the food. Get real! These young folks have got bills to pay just like you and I. I'm sure stuff happens but it is rare and isolated and the victims usually deserve it. So unless you are acting the fool and harassing the staff you probably got the best they had to offer minus the spit. Come on people, get real, the world is, for the most part, exactly what it seems to be. There are very few real conspiracies and Big Brother is more interested in your money than in your life. Word for the day"Deal with it.". I know that's more than one word but deal with it. Thanks for reading, that means you.

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