Saturday, September 09, 2006

New Kitchen

Well, it's the weekend. I worked thru last wknd so it's nice to be able to relax this one. My Grandson is coming to stay with us till tomorrow so we'll be pretty busy. Never a dull moment when he's around. My dad would say " Yeah, he's a go getter." I saw a freind yesterday who really is dissatisfied with his job. Made me really appreciate mine. I have it made, travelling a lot and fixing things. Making people happy. There are bad days like Thursday when I had to spend a couple of hours down in a manhole with gas vapors but we use safety measures. we get really filthy and stink like gas when we get home but I tell my wife, " that's the smell of money." These are some images of my new cabinets. I built them out of Birch cut and milled locally. The Grape leaf design I cut in with dremel and then painted with acrylics before applying the finish coats of clear Lacquer. I made the countertops with the same ceramic tile I used on my floors. Please ignore the mess, sometimes it's worse. I've since added a range hood. I wanted black but I wouldn't pay the premium for it. I bought a white one, gutted it, sanded it, and painted it black. Looks great.
Locally in the news, A county deputy was hit head on by a guy passing illegally. Two young guys who saw the wreck pried his door open and dragged him out of the car just before it burst into flame. The cop would have died if these two guys had not acted. Proves there are still good people out there. When I see people in our stores being rude and hateful to our employees I have to remember things like this so I don't give up hope on the whole human race. Please, If you're reading this, be nice. It don't cost you a thing. Just remind yourself that you are sharing the space with a lot of other people who have the same dreams and hurts as you do. Be nice. Red Green says "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together."

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