Saturday, September 09, 2006

I was thinking about something that I haven't thought about in a long, long, time. When I was in school in Atlanta in 1972-3 there was a pedestrian tunnel under I-85. The walls of this tunnel were painted white and local artist used this as a medium for their art. I remember seeing entire pages of Lord of the Rings written there. I wonder if it's still there.
Also when I was there I volunteered to assist in the visit of Richard Nixon to Atlanta during the campaign. I was standing on a street corner by myself when his limo slowed and made the turn. I recall distinctly seeing Pat Nixon, less than 6 feet from me punch Tricky Dick and make him wave at me. If I had known what was to come I probably would have spit on the car. Oh well, you live and learn. The picture is another view from Hwy 11 in upstate SC. Thanks for reading.

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