Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fall is almost here

I realized today that Fall is almost here. The eye opener was finding acorns covering the bed of my truck. The tiny Pin Oak or Water Oak acorns are insidious. When they begin to fall in earnest they will cover the ground and anything else in the way seemingly in moments from the time you blow them away. They are like tiny ball bearings and will really hurt if they hit you on the head, especially if you have no hair, like yours truly. My dermatologist cautions me about being out without a hat, these things give me another reason to keep my pate covered. I'm a firm believer that when I began to grow a beard G-d got upset with me for covering up such a pretty creation and He began to uncover the top of it. Thus the bearded, hairless, head.
I was thinking more about the cars, one of my few passions, and reflected on one of the ironies of the movies. Many movies and TV shows over the years were sponsored by Auto companies. A result of this sponsorship is that the world of many old grade B movies had only one brand of auto or another. Plymouth was prolific in its' sponsorship in the 50s'. There are many romantic comedies(no, I don't watch them, SHE does) in which the streets of New York are populated entirely by Plymouths with huge fins. Old Sci-Fi fliks seem to be ruled by Fords. Taxis were almost always Dodges or DeSotos. Cars were driven recklessly, almost insanely, and people seldom got more than a scratch when they wrecked. If someone did get killed and the body was shown it had hardly a mark on it. I guess people were tougher back then. When men were shown driving drunk their wives or girlfriends (invariably sober) would only show mild alarm or just seem perturbed and would finally say" Here, move over, let me drive."only after a close call.
I wonder, percentage wise, if as many people were getting killed back then on the highways? Probably, but we didn't have instantaneous news to get the word out.
thanks for reading.

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