Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Things are different here in the South than in other parts of the country. We tend to have a more laid back attitude toward life. I guess you might call it a "deal with it " culture. If something is bothering you or you find something really frustrating you simply deal with it. You accept it and move on. I guess that's why we don't get too excited about politics. We got all hot and bothered about politics 146 years ago and we're just now getting over it. Prozac helps. I saw a Tshirt one time that really said it all. On the front it said "Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't." On the back it said "Prozac."

Our laid back attitude has helped and hindered us. We tend to live longer and maybe enjoy life a little more. On the other hand many industries are shy of us because they may feel like we're not productive. Nothing could be further from the truth. When we are paid well and treated right we will work our hearts out. If not, we'll find a place to sit down and smoke a cigarette. Actually, I don't smoke but I think the rest of the world does.

You know, it's funny what you remember. I was thinking the other day about a snow we had in december, 1963. It was especially heavy for this area, about 12". That translates to 4 feet in upstate New York. What really struck me and stuck in my memory was that the government warned us not to eat the snow. It was laced with Cesium 190. The atmospheric H-bomb test had contaminated the snow. Everyone took it calmly, today the government would be replaced if something like that happened. Back then it was considered a natural by product of the effort to control the Evil Soviet Empire. Maybe they were right, maybe the Soviets would have taken over the world if we hadn't stood firm. Then again, maybe they woud have collapsed under their own beurocratic weight. Maybe that's what will be the downfall of the US. The government will simply eat up so much of the resources of our great country that we will simply collapse. I guess we'll have to deal with it.

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