Friday, September 22, 2006


This is a Henry 12 gauge Shotgun my dad owned. It is very old and I wouldn't feel safe shooting it now. When I was 14 or 15 years old I often came home from school and took it to the woods after squirrel. That's right, we ate those cute rodents. Taste like chicken. Mostly I would just find a tree and sit under it and think. I know it's hard to believe that anyone that age actually has the ability to think but I did. Guess I was abnormal. I really enjoyed sitting there as the day slipped away and the bluejays would scream at me something like "TEAL,TEAL." I was an intruder and they knew the power of my weapon. I never used many shells because I wasn't really there to kill anything. I was mostly there to commune with nature and enjoy a time I think my heart knew would never come again. I still cherish those days in my mind and can go back to them anytime I choose simply by closing my eyes and listening for the growl of a squirrel or the scream of a bluejay. Thanks for reading.

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