Saturday, August 26, 2006


This is probably not an original idea, I may have even read about it somewhere. I believe our lives are like a tapestry or a painting. Each life we come in contact with contributes a thread or a pattern to it, depending on that persons involvement with us. Those we love and cherish provide the rich borders and colorful illustrations. Some leave discordant splashes of dark tones or maybe even tears in the fabric. Our loved ones mend these places with thier prayers and thier love for us. the events of our lives are seen there in pleasing blends of color or in harsh hues that are difficult to focus on dependent on how these events affected us. The knots that we exprience as we live our lives when seen in reality may be wonderful pictures that are quite pleasing to the eye. Only our Maker and Master knows what our lives look like right now, perhaps it will be revealed to us when we leave these "frail vessels". My wish for you is that you have a rich, colorful, tapestry with no dark places.

1 comment:

D.C. said...

Original or not, it works wonderfully.

Thank you for your insights William, and what a lovely little guy.