Saturday, August 12, 2006


I know there are many who would disagree with me but I believe this ceasefire in Israel is a mistake. I have read the blogs from both Israelis and Lebanese and I have studied the issue. The thing that strikes me is that the UN, a toothless, spineless, old woman, is supposed to guard the border. All this will do is give the terrorist time to resupply. The next time they attack we will have American troops there. That, I think, was the plan all along. Get the UN and it's lacky the US involved. Another killing ground for our troops. Olmert and the Israeli government should have let their soldiers go in and finish the job. The Lebanese are in bed with terrorist, you make your bed, lie in it. I truly miss the Israel of the Six Day War of 1967. The people of Israel, both Jew and Arab, are a good people, they deserve better than this. Eventually we will face this in the US. Our soil is not sacred to terrorism. We should have learned this by now. I pray G-d will forgive us for betraying His chosen people.

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