Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rainy Day

Well, we're finally getting rain. We are way behind in rainfall this year. It's like bibical drought. Now it's raining a kind of slow drenching rain, the kind that is good for things. This is better than the heavy downpours we usually get this time of year. Then it comes down so fast it causes flash floods and it all runs off before it can soak in. Makes me think of all those rain songs. "It must be raindrops (falling from my eyes)" "I wish it would rain" "Raindrops keep falling on my head"etc. At least I don't feel guilty spending the time on the blog. I usually have a million things to do and it's hard to take the time for this. This also makes me think of my Dad. On a day like this he would sit in the carport and look out over his garden and watch it get rained on. I imagine he could almost see it growing. He was a hunter, fisherman, gardener, and handyman. He, like so many of his generation grew up close to the land. He could listen to the night sounds and tell you about the creatures he heard. He passed this love of nature on to me and I'm trying to share it with my Grandchildren. We can, I beleive, love the things of nature without worshipping them. By this I mean that we can reap the benefits of the earth and care for her at the same time. So many tree huggers think that we should all live in grass huts and eats leaves. Well, this good old boy is gonna eat steak and drive his pickemup truck. But I better not see you tossing trash out your car window. Well, enough for now.

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