Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I thought this was a great street sign. A lot of people go there to visit and some go to live. When I go there it's to think about those friends and family who have departed this life. One of those was a guy we called Cleech. He was a talented individual. Today, had he lived, he would probably be a computer geek. he once broke into the local middle school and stole band instruments. He returned them after he learned to play them all. He didn't know a single note of music. He preferred to buy his stereo components in kit form. That way he doubled his enjoyment. First he enjoyed building it and then he enjoyed listening to it. He joined the Navy and was gone two weeks. They discovered cataracts on his eyes and paid him $600 to take a medical discharge. Afterwards he realized that most companies will pass on hiring an individual with a medical discharge. Broke and jobless he took his own life in despair after his girlfriend broke up with him.

I wish we had some wind the day I took this shot. the flag would have been more impressive and it would have made a better shot.

This whitetail comes to our yard several times a week to eat apples. She knows we're watching but she can't spot us.

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