Thursday, August 31, 2006

Just Riding Around

When people call me as I travel from call to call they usually start the conversation by saying "Hi, what're you doin?". My reply is almost always "Riding Around." I figure a lot of people think that my job consist of just riding around the upstate. They don't take into account the time that I spend at a job site doing some incredibly frustrating or insanely boring task. All in all, though, I really enjoy what I do and consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world. I get to meet all sorts and impress them with my technical skills. Little do they know that with a little training and a lot of patience almost anyone could do this stuff. Fortunately for me most people don't have the intelligence to get the training and almost no one nowadays has any patience.
When I first began this career I was really worried that I couldn't do it. I have since come to realize that even people who have done this for years and years run up against things that they don't understand and by sheer persistence are abel to overcome. I found this photo of my youngest son (see The Wedding) and thought you might like it.

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