Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's just another day .....................

Well, just thought I had the problem solved. Called at 4:30 am. Had to go and meet other techies and take parts to them. Finally got home at 6:00 pm. Funny how the days kind of glide by. After you do the same thing for a while you have days when you don't really remember what you did all day. Kind of like stoned college kids. I travel the interstates a lot, It's funny that people who will tell you they hate their jobs will take all kinds of chances to get there. I see drivers every morning who go 10 to 30 mph over the speed limit, switch lanes recklessly and drive like it's stolen. Presumably they are heading to work. The only thing crazier is the way they drive when they're on vacation. Qoute of the day. "Copy one persons work and it's plagiarism, copy two and it's research." Mizner. Found this picture, kinda reminds me of myself when I was younger.

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