Thursday, August 24, 2006

Things I saw whilst on the Highway.

I saw this heavy eqpt. being transported on I85 today. I was kinda upset because they didn't have any "Wide Load" banners on the truck. Oh well, some people can get away with anything. I doubt they made much on this shipment.
When I arrived at one of my calls today I found the Sheriff Deputy talking to someone in a car parked on our Fuel Fill Buckets. This couple had come in the store 2 hours before falling down, high stepping, stinking drunk. Then they returned to their car and passed out. The store manager was expecting a fuel shipment so she called the Sheriff to get them moved. There's no problem towing a car but you don't tow with two drunks passed out inside. The Deputy cut them some slack and called someone to come get them and move the car. He could have arrested them for public drunk and disorderly. If I ever get in any trouble I hope I get a nice guy like that. They probably called him names after they left. Typical day at the convenience store. Every day I see people come in the stores and treat the sales staff in rude, inconsiderate ways. I wish they could see their own sons and daughters being treated like that. It would put a different light on it for some but not all.
Here's a shot I caught in downtown Greenville a couple of days ago. I should have remembered that old adage "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning." We had two days of Rain, thunder, and lightning after I got this shot.
Be sure to check out my links, there's some funny and some interesting stuff there.Thanks for reading and tell your friends or someone you don't like.

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