Sunday, August 20, 2006

Well, it's Sunday here in the Deep South. This is traditionally a day when southerners really kick back and relax. There are still many traditionalist who will go to thier house of worship, go out to eat, and then go home or to a relatives house and talk and visit. Then they will take an afternoon nap, get up, and return to worship this evening. This provides a way to unwind from the work week. Worship and a sharing time with friends and family. Not a bad idea. The flag can be seen from Cherrydale in Greenville. It's on top of the mountain across from the shopping center. This house is next to me and is vacant while being renovated. It is around 100 years old and needed a lot of work. I would have loved to have had it but I don't think I would have ever finished the project. Many years ago the county would pave your drive for free if you would give them a deed to it. Nowadays they want you to have the drive in perfect condition ( graded, paved, curbs, drainage, etc.) before they will accept it. The man who owned this house gave the county a deed to his drive and they paved it back around the mid 60s'. They then attached it to a road behind his property and voila!, he had a heavily travelled county road right through his yard. My dad always used this example to explain why we had a dirt and gravel drive for years after the neighbors had pavement. We finally got it concreted about 15 years ago. Moral of this story, Always look at all angles before accepting a gift from the government. Wife ran over my Japanese Maple with the lawn mower yesterday. She was really upset but I am so glad she is helping me with the lawn (3.5 acres) that I just shrugged it off. It's not worth wasting grief over it. There are too many other worse things that could happen. By the way, we don't care for the whole lawn. My 79 year old mother cuts about 1 acre with a walk behind mower and also trims and blows off the debris. She says it keeps her ticking. I say Thanks. Our Grandson in K5 had a rough week, he got points against him for talking out of turn. Then, friday, he got two rewards for being on good behaviour! It's really rough on him, he always attended a child development where Nana worked so he kinda ruled the roost. Now he is in a school where no one knows him and he has to OBEY the RULES (never his strong point). He's not a bad kid, just slightly spoiled. I take partial credit. One of the benefits of being Gramps. I can spoil them and then send them home. Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading.

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