Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Some things

Some things happened recently that disturbed me. One day recently I had finished a repair at a store and was returning to my truck. I held the door for a young, attractive, lady of color.(black) As I sat in my truck doing paperwork I noticed that the car next to me had the keys in the ignition, the windows down and no driver in sight. Then I saw the child in the car seat in the back. This made me sit up and take notice. This was not in a "nice" area of town. The police are called there regularly to break up gang gatherings. There were about 7 or 8 other customers there, all black. In other words mine was the only lily white face in the crowd. Guess who the mother was? She came back to the car with a new pack of cigarettes and pumped $5.00 of gas. I sat there fuming, more at myself than at her. You see, I was afraid to confront a young black woman in front of a crowd of other black people. If I see in the news an account of a young black child being abducted in that manner any time soon I will hate myself. I keep telling myself that she probably had asked someone to keep an eye on the car. Maybe.
Today I went to the cell phone store to get some problems straightened out with a new phone. While I was standing in line another customer came in. A "Matronly" lady. She immediately began a tirade against the staff in the store. She "had to wait like this every time" she came in. I was thinking "these poor people" when she suddenly noticed the oil co. logo on my shirt. She started in on my company, all oil companies, George Bush, and the Arabs. I decided to go to another location for service.
I guess I'm just a confrontational coward. The picture shows the kind of thing that keeps me busy.

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