Tuesday, August 29, 2006


My Fathers' family were farmers in the area just west of the Mississippi. I have a photo of his dad and mom on their wedding day in 1917. Grandfather was a rough individual, you could see hard work and hard living in his young face. Grandmother was a doll. She wears a huge hat, probably bought or borrowed for the occasion. Her face is angelic, she would live into her 80s' or 90s', no one seems to know her age exactly. He would only live a few short years. The story I'm told is that he died from a medical condition that today would be easily handled in any emergency room. The doctor they took him to refused to see him because the family couldn't afford his fee. Rough times. Grandmother sat on her front porch in the early 60's with my brother. As they talked a car drove up to the small church across the road. Grandmother told my brother "They won't be there long.". Soon the cars' occupants came running out of the church and left in a hurry. My brother said "What got into them?" Grandmother replied " It wasn't the Holy Spirit, the folks over there musta got out the snakes." She knew the people in the car weren't regulars and figured when the snake worshippers got the snakes out they would beat a hasty retreat.
Her house was the crookedest I have ever been in. Each floor tilted a different way and doors were hung slightly crooked to fit the cockeyed frames. There was always a pot of hot coffee and breakfast could be found just about anytime. My aunt was an Elvis fan and Elvis pictures and memorabilia abounded. I believe it was the only place I've ever been where Velvet Elvis pictures were considered a normal decorative item.

1 comment:

ch said...

My Dad served with Elvis in Germany. My Dad liked Duke Ellington, Fatz Waller etc. and knew nothing about real rock´n roll. He befriended a lot of the Jazz-stars who lived in Copenhagen in the 60és.
He married my MOM in 1964 and My Mom took him to see "Jailhouse Rock" at the cinema. My MOM thinking that Dad was a big liar when he told them about his companionship with the star.
I´ve got a cuople of photos with my Dad, Elvis, Kalle, Jack Olson and Leon Mayer at REbersbahn in Hamburg.