Thursday, August 17, 2006

Another day.

Well, it was another day in the life. A manager in one of the stores today was showing me her engagement ring. She had it made to order. Very pretty and very expensive. I wouldn't wear something like that to work in one of our stores. Some of the clientele would chop off your finger to get it and then pawn it for a fraction of its' worth to buy crack. Even in the "better" parts of town you have your bad characters. I usually take my ring off to work on the pumps. I don't need to connect with a live wire with a gold ring. It's an antique ring my dad left me and I don't want some crackhead to take it from me and pawn it for $10 worth of crack. the weather has cooled off some and people are starting to talk about tailgating. Fall is just around the corner and I kinda look forward to it this year. I always get nostalgic in the fall. I read an article today that said that our pets become a valued member of the family. I guess that's true. I know Tiki, our Jack Russell, Chihuahua mix is definitely a part of our family. She follows me around like a two year old. I don't know why, I have never been overly affectionate towards her. I believe she senses that I will always care for her, even if it means bathing her when she doesn't really think she needs it. It's time to wrap this up, Deborah has the main computer and this one starts to make an ungodly whine after it runs a while. I think the mother board is about to give up the ghost.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey William you are right I got so many comments on my ring at work I stopped wearing especially when I had to work third. Love your blog.
--Amanda #126