Sunday, September 02, 2007

The door

Well, more on mom. The Dr sent her home Friday. To prepare for her I screwed the door shut that leads to the steps. This means that she has to use the door that has no steps. She was enraged. She told me that if dad were still alive he would "blow your brains out with a shotgun!". Several hours later she hugged me and declared her love for me. Her biggest complaint is that her cats are upset by not being able to use the other door. I had to follow her around the yard friday evening while she rounded up the cats and brought them into the house. Keep in mind that this person had brain surgery on wed.. She is obsessed with these cats. This is sunday and she was ringing the doorbell early this morning to demand that I "Open that damn door!". I followed her back down to her house and discovered that she had locked herself out. I opened the front door for her whereupon she sat down outside the back door (the one with the steps) and said she would only use it. I left her there with her coffee and her cats. A while later I noticed she had gone in. Understand this, I live only about 100 feet away and we are well off the road. She is probably as safe as she would be in a nursing facility. I have taken her meds away and give them to her daily as she had started taking them randomly. I have also taken her car. The door issue has distracted her and she hasn't given me any grief about the car or the meds yet. Hopefully I can get a contractor to install a ramp at the door soon. She has declared that she will "chop it down with an axe" if I build a ramp. Soon after it's built she will tell me how wonderful it is. For those just coming in mom is 80 and suffers from alzheimers or senile dementia. She accused me Fri. night of wanting her dead. I replied that if that were the case I would open the door and let her fall down the steps. She said that snakes were clever and knew how to twist things around. She is sick and confused with a two minute attention span but she is still an intelligent, clever person. She has requested a sign to hang in her front window. "I am the boss in this house!" I may actually make it for her. thanks for reading.

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