Friday, August 31, 2007


Well, here goes. I haven't talked about mom for a while. She never fully recovered from the fall she had over a month ago. Last week she fell again. This time she was in her home and fell on carpet. She stayed on the floor for most of the day we think. She was so confused that we couldn't get the straight story from her. After this fall she was extremely confused and unsteady on her feet. A new CAT scan showed a blood clot putting pressure on her brain. Dr. Bucci operated two days ago and removed it. She is still in the hospital, of course. I went to ICU yesterday to check on her and found her strapped to the bed. I went off. I had the staff call the Dr. and get a sedative for her and stayed with her until other family could come. Needless to say she was not a happy camper. She used language I didn't know she was aware of. I seem to remember her describing me as an SOB and a snake for not taking her home. I think the hospital staff would have sent her home immediately if the doctor had let them. He assured me last night that she would stay until medically safe to go. The DR. put her back on her regular meds yesterday and is keeping sedatives readily available. Hopefully she'll calm down until she heals a little. Last night she was talking to her cats and they were 10 miles away. Well, more later.
I was in one of our stores yesterday and the manager was waiting on a customer and telling me about a problem at the same time. A man waiting in line began to scold her for not being fast enough. There was an open lane next us but this guy wouldn't go there, choosing instead to continue to harass the lady for her lack of speed. The guy she was helping began to ask for various items slowwwwly. First he wanted a pwerball ticket and then he took his time picking out a scratch off card and then he mused over which brand of cigarettes to buy. Finally the other man stormed out of the store. Life's too short for jerks like that to ruin your day. He'll probably call corporate and they'll give him a gift card to go away. They'll take it out of her bonus for the month. thanks for reading.

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