Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The door part ll

Well, mom won the battle of the door. She thinks. She took her home tool kit and dug the wood out from around the screw and then broke it off and opened her door. She thinks she won, actually she lost. She now has access to the back steps which she will go up and down 10 or more times each day. She will carry stuff in and out of the door and will chase her stupid cats in and out of the door and up and down the steps. She will eventually fall down the steps once again. It is inevitable. She has already started in on my sister about the car. The surgeon forbade her to drive for 6 to 8 weeks. She says she has never been to "that damn doctor" and will drive as soon as we return her car. This disease is one of the most difficult things I have ever faced. It is frustrating to see things and be unable to explain them to someone. Try as you might you cannot get through to her. She has lost the ability to reason. She can only see obstacles and work single mindedly to overcome them. Yesterday she called me some of the vilest names I have ever heard. She also threatened several times to kill me. The next time she falls she will go to a nursing facility. I worked in one for 7 years and I would rather cut off my right hand than to put her there but I cannot continue to fight her in hopes of protecting her from herself. My job requires 10 to 12 hour days and I just cannot do that and care for her also. I am not one of these people who piously put their lives aside to care for someone. I have financial responsibilities I can't ignore. It is 4 in the morning and I have to go to work in a couple of hours. I wonder what craziness she will come up with while I'm gone? thanks for reading.

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