Friday, September 07, 2007

More Mom

I gotta admit this guy's attitude closely resembles my own. Mom has really pushed me to the limit the last week. She had tantrums, called me vile names, refused her medicine till she got her way and called the police on my sister for taking her car. Then, today, she called me and asked to be taken to the grocery store. I took her and watched her buy corn, canned corn, milk, eggs, and $30.00 worth of cat food. Basically she was going for the cats and bought a few things for herself to diguise the fact. I have an appt. with her physician monday to request that she be put in a locked facility for a few weeks for evaluation. I want to know if there is a physical cause for her strange behaviour or if it is just dementia. It is like walking on eggshells talking to her. the first slipup can send her into a rage. There has GOT to be medication that can help her.
We took the 6 year old grandson to the planetarium tonight. Had a great time and actually forgot about mom for a while. thanks for reading.

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