Sunday, September 09, 2007

More Mom

They always thought I was a Scout leader because I cared about the boys.

Well, Mom goes back to the Dr. tomorrow. She is supposed to have her stitches removed and have an exam to determine her progress. She looks at it as a precursor to getting her car back. I really don't expect her to ever drive again. She has already made plans to stop and pick up her car on the way home. She is obsessive/compulsive and paranoid and I don't think she should ever be under the wheel of an auto again. I have an appt. to see her Dr. torrow afternoon to discuss her care and to plan for her future.

I found our missing dog today. Her remains are in the edge of the woods surrounding our house. I can only assume that she was shot or was killed by wild animals. There are coyotes in our area, but I would think that if coyotes got her there would have been little left. I believe someone shot her. It's a relief to know she wasn't stolen. I worried that dogfighters had taken her to use as bait to teach their dogs to kill. This is common and is a little known fact. thanks for reading.

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