Sunday, September 16, 2007

On and On and On..........

Well, we got mom into a rehab and therapy center for a three week stay. I'm really hopeful that this will make her more cooperative. She was not a happy camper when she found that she wasn't going home but we convinced her to stay for a "visit". These people are supposed to be pros at dealing with this condition. Thank God for sedatives. She was officially diagnosed with Dementia while in the hospital which helps me tremendously in getting her the care she needs. While there she was convinced that she was in Greenville General hospital. That particular building was demolished about 15 years ago. She was transported in an ambulance but was sure that she came there in a car and was ready to fight about it. Her catch phrase for things you ask her that she has forgotten is "It's none of your business!". She told me that she would like to think that her car would be awaiting her at home. I told her that she could think that if she wanted to. The truth is she will never drive again. She has entered a new life of dependence, something she may never accept. My siblings were very helpful during the move, something I'm really grateful for. The legal issues involved and the physical and emotional strain are something that millions go through but that doesn't make it any easier when you are the focus of it. We found mom in need of new clothing and her house in need of a good cleaning. She would never accept help before but now we can step in and give her the help she needs. While in a rage the other night she asked me what my dad was thinking about me while looking down from heaven at the way I was treating her. I smiled which made her even madder. I think dad was thinking, " Good luck, now you know what I put up with for 56 years!" thanks for reading.

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