Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mom Again

Mom is settled in at a local Nursing center. The Dr. says the brain injury probably speeded up the dementia. He suggested 24 hr care for the rest of her life, which could be years. We've started the application process and now a lot of it is wait and see. She meets us each evening with a bag full of her things ready to go home. We ask her about her day and distract her until she forgets about leaving. Her memory is about 50% fabrication. She fills in the gaps with imaginative stories. She told me yesterday that everyone in the facility was kidnapped from local hospitals to enable the owners to fill the beds and make lots of money. She is unsteady on her feet and wears a restraint belt to keep her from falling out of the wheelchair. She has a single minded obsession with cutting the belt. She was using her butter knife on it at lunch today I am told. The terrible reality of this disease points out the very real limits of our medical knowledge. This really is "The Long Goodbye". thanks for reading.

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