Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunrise after the storm

Sorry I haven't posted recently. I was going thru some tuff personal stuff. I have to give you all some advice. Hold on to the ones you love as tightly as you can. Money and material things are nice but when it all gets boiled down personal relationships are the only things that matter. We, as humans, need someone to care about us and show affection towards us. Without that we come to see life as pretty useless. If you have someone who loves you hold onto them with all your might. Don't let them go. Do anything you have to do to keep them and cherish them with all your heart. Life is pretty hopeless without someone to share it with. Be true to them and as a result you will be true to yourself. When your time on this earth ends have something to pass on, someone to remember you. Have an epitaph that shows you were a caring, loving person. Something like "Devoted Husband" or "Good Freind" or "True Companion". Be real and G-d Bless. thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey just stoppin by to say hi and good writing. i love your blogs i think i may start my own on here as soon as i get settled somewhere. thanks again.