Sunday, October 01, 2006

Beach Trip

Well, we're back from vacation. We usually go in late September or October to avoid the crowds. One of the benefits of the Empty Nest. Of course I have pictures for you.

I got up every morning at 6 and walked on the beach and watched the sun rise. My first morning there as I stood and looked at the stars over the ocean I saw a small meteor shower. A Hollywood moment. I started laughing, It seemed so unreal as if it were staged for my benefit. Maybe it was. I know it really relieved a lot of tension when the stars fell into the ocean. I don't know about you but it's hard for me to stay inwardly focused when watching a cosmic event.

My brother has a place in Myrtle Beach and we usually go down this time of year and repair things. If you're going that way and need advice leave a comment. He knows all the best dining and attractions.

While there I met a guy fishing on the beach. Turns out he's a retired Assembly line worker from Detroit. He was singing the praises of UAW. Well, just the other day I read where their membership was down 75% in the last 10 years and Ford is buying out as many as will cooperate. Seems that the Union that brought so much good to the workers over the years is dying from it's own bureaucratic weight. Something I believe will eventually happen to the USA if it's not already happening.

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