Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Heavy Thoughts

Some days seem to sail by with hardly a ripple on your life and others are like storms stirring everything up and changing your life forever. If you've lived over 5 years you know what I'm talking about. Most days you go about your routine and it seems like no sooner have you gotten out of bed than you are lying down again. Then comes a day when you are in a wreck or the doctor tells you "The News" or someone says something that changes the way you perceive reality and BOOM!, it's one of "Those" days. Those days are not always bad, like the days my chidren were born or the days my sons got married. They are not always recognized either. I have had those days and only later understood that they were one of those days. Like the day I had High Speed Internet installed. Sometimes you are painfully aware of the significance, like the day my Dad died. I was walking down our drive one Fall day several years ago and the wind began to blow leaves all around me as they fell from the trees. I stopped in my tracks and experienced the moment. At that exact moment I understood the passage of time in our lives and really realized for the first time how short our lives really are. I resolved right then to live my life and not let it just pass by. Now every day I look at the sky and I observe the stars and the moon. I look at the world around me and notice the way it changes each day as the light of the sun shifts. I talk to the people I meet and really look at them. They are each the same but remarkably different. I try to keep my sense of humor, there are amusing things happening all the time. You just have to LOOK. The world is a terrible, frightful, overwhelming place. The world is also a wonderful, lovely, delightful place. Finding the balance and enjoying each day is my goal. G-d, whatever you beleive Him to be, made us capable of great things, I wish that for you. Thanks for reading.

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