Saturday, October 14, 2006

It Aint Funny

One of the Southern Phrases that really puzzles me is It aint funny. Example, "He slapped his wife so hard it aint funny." Just how hard can you slap your wife and it be funny? When he ran that red light that transfer truck hit him so hard it aint funny. Somehow humor is missing in this incident not matter how hard he was hit. I'm not sure where this phrase started but I am sure that it harkens back to a time when people were somewhat less concerned with political correctness. That gun made a hole so big in him it aint funny. That milk I drank was so sour it aint funny. That fire got out of hand so fast it aint funny. They got married and had six kids so fast it aint funny. When his parachute didn't open he got to the ground so fast it aint funny. After that mule kicked him in the head he acted so peculiar it aint funny. It just aint funny.
Fall is definately here. The trees are changing colors and leaves are falling. I usually wait until Thanksgiving to pick up leaves and then repeat after Christmas. This way I only have to do it twice. I used to try to keep up with the leaves and ended up working like a madman the entire season. Puts me in mind of the Groundskeepers at Clemson. I saw three of these guys chasing a small pile of leaves with their leafblowers one day. It was like they had a fanatic fixation on these leaves. They worked together to push this pile 100 yards across the lawn into a bigger pile. After they left the wind began to blow the leaves back over the lawn. It would have been quicker and cheaper to have one guy with a rake pick them up and put them in a bag.
thanks for reading.

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