Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yesterday I was in a fast food place and looked out the front window. I noticed that across from this place was a line of Crepe Myrtles, beyond these was a line of Oak trees. The early morning fog had settled between them and created a wonderful still life. I noticed that the employees were going about their business as if they hadn't noticed this beautiful scene directly in front of them. I wonder how many cubicle workers there are out there who would take a pay cut to be able to see this instead of a cubicle wall every day? My point is this, take time to look at the beautiful things of this world. Life is too short to miss it.
I'll be hosting a trainee today. "New Guy" is going to ride with me all day today and tomorrow. I guess I'll have to stop for lunch and quit at a decent hour. I usually eat on the run if I eat at all and work 11-12 hours. I don't want to scare the guy on his first day so I''l take it easy on him. Thanks for reading.

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