Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Gettin Fired

I used to worry about this years ago. Now, at this time in my life, I'm not so concerned about it. In the past three decades I've actually only been "terminated" once. I deserved it. I had grown complacent in my job and was not being productive. I was in sales and had gotten tired of the daily grind. Since then I have been a commercial plumber, a store manager, a cabinet builder, a maintenance director and now a fuel system technician. I've got too much experience to worry about employment. Fact is, I love what I do and actually look forward to work each day(usually).
Mom isn't giving me many problems currently. She is healing well from her fall and is back into a routine with her cats.
Our little dog dissappeared last week. She was a chihuahua, jack russell mix and had been with us for about 7 years. We let her out to walk and she never returned. We live well off the road and she would usually do her thing in the field outside the back door and then return to the door. When she didn't return I figured she was down at moms' chasing the cats, her only recreation. I think she wandered up to the road and someone picked her up. We will pursue the regular channels, ads, etc to try to get her back but I suspect she is gone forever. I hope she vomited in the persons car when they nabbed her. thanks for reading.

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