Monday, August 13, 2007

Stumphouse Mountain

Here's some pics from Stumphouse Mountain. I know it's kinda vague but directly behind us is the entrance to the tunnel. The tunnel was bored into the granite mountain in the 1850's for a train route from upstate SC to Ohio. It's about 15 ft wide by 15 ft tall and extends 1600 feet into the mountain. There are no lights inside so you have to use a flashlight. Near the end there is a perpetual fog in the air. You can make some really spooky sounds inside and It took constant encouragement to get the Grandson to go all the way to the end. the builders ran out of money before they ran out of mountain. The War of Southern Secession stopped the tunnel permanently.

Here's a pic of Isaqueena falls. It's named for Creek maiden who helped the early settlers in their struggle with the Cherokee. This picture shows me enjoying teaching the grandson to catch Crawdads. He caught on right away and had to be drug away from the water. There are just some things only a Granddad can do. Some days stick in your memory. This will be one. thanks for reading.

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