Sunday, August 05, 2007


Twice a week I buy a couple of Lotto tickets. I usually pick out numbers that are birthdays or ages of people I know. No real logic there, it's just that picking out random numbers is not really easy to do unless you think like a computer. I happen to think like a man. That is, I try not to think unless it's needed. After 30 some odd years of marriage I've learned to disengage my mind and my hearing. Anyway, like most people I always have some grand plan for how I'll spend my winnings. First, of course, I'll provide for my loved ones. Second, I'll invest anything left after First. Third, I'd like to help people. In my work I know a lot of single parents who are working themselves to death. I'd like to be able to maybe hand one of them a key to a new car and say " Hey, here's one thing you don't gotta worry about." Oh well, chances are really good that this will never happen. But, as they say, you can't win if you don't play! thanks for reading.

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