Saturday, August 25, 2007


We try to be a little more sophisticated at our stores. I must admit, though, that this sign would not be out of the question with some of our employees.

Finally! My son opened his tattoo shop yesterday! After jumping through bureaucratic hoops for two months he finally got all the approvals needed and all the papers signed and all the inspections completed. The DHEC inspector said that it was one of the nicest shops he had seen. We're going down tonite to visit. I'll take pictures and post them tomorrow. He is the first in our family to own a business. I am very proud of him and his wife. I am also proud of my other son, at 24 a home owner and father of three children. I would have gone crazy at that age with that much responsibility. I was part of the drop out, turn on generation.

Thought you might like to see a sample of CherrybombSC tattoos' work. thanks for reading.

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