Saturday, June 09, 2007


Well, it's finally here. the crazy, hazy, lazy days of summer. This is always my favorite time of year. I never complain about the heat. I work outside and I'm always aware of the days when it's 28 degrees and sleeting and I'm out in it. That helps keep things in perspective. The only downside to this time of year is the thunderstorms. The lightning plays havoc with our electronics and some nights are really busy trying to get the stores back online.
Above you see where we spend a lot of time in the summer. A couple of years ago I had to replace the liner and used the occasion to fill in the deep end and get rid of the diving board. My insurance company was pleased. Most teens don't have any brains when they get on a diving board. Now we have a SWIMMING pool. Less water, less chemicals.
Gotta go, thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooo jealous. I need to get a pool.