Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Laws of the universe

The guys in the top photo are discussing one of the laws of the universe. The one that says two objects having mass cannot occupy the same space at the same time. I looked up just in time to see the guy in the pickup try to drive thru the tail of the tractor-trailor. I gotta believe it ruined his day.

On a lighter note this little guy builds a nest on my light fixture every year. I clean it up after he leaves but he comes back every year. I looked him up one year but I've forgotten what kind he is. You can look out the living room window and watch him up close. I didn't use any zoom at all to take these pictures.
I saw it at least three times in the last two days. My pet peeve. People leaving their cars running, unlocked, while they "run" into the store to get something. When they're stolen we all get to enjoy higher insurance premiums. You can fix machines, traffic tickets, typos, and many, many other things but you just can't fix stupid. Thanks for reading.

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