Sunday, June 24, 2007

Who's in charge here?

This is an older pic of my grandson. I think it's pretty obvious he thinks he's in charge. His 8 month old sister is actually in charge.
They came over today and she made it clear that everything was fine as long as she got what she wanted. Her dad sounds like a broken record "No Mam, No Mam, No MaM..........." Makes it easier for all the trouble he got into to fade away.
A new subject I haven't got into before. My mother has alzheimers. She's ok most of the time but then does or says totally irrational things. She has cut off relationships that she enjoyed for a lifetime including my brother and me. We just ignore her protest and continue to do things for her. She cut off a close personal freind that she had talked to and shared with for a lifetime. I call it the "Damnable Desease" because it doesn't just affect your health but destroys who you are. I worked in a Nursing Home for 7 years and saw the effects of this desease daily. I'm looking forward to the day when mom forgets who I am and doesn't think that I'm the enemy anymore.
We can only pray for a swift end before the desease takes her personality away entirely. thanks for reading.

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